The Story of Alibaba Founder – Jack Ma

The Story of Alibaba Founder - Jack Ma
The Story of Alibaba Founder - Jack Ma

“People like me, I was born in a very poor family. I never got a great education. I failed all the examinations for what reason I don’t know. Applied jobs for 30 times, got rejected.

I went for police, they said no, you are not good. I went to even the KFC, when 24 people went for the job, 23 people accepted. I was the only guy rejected. And we went for police. 5 people, 4 of them accepted. I was the only guy did not receive it. I applied for Harvard, for 10 times, rejected.

Learn from the mistakes the other people. No matter how smart you are, you will encounter these mistakes. You learn from mistakes not because you will be able to avoid mistakes. When these mistakes come, these suffers come, you learn how to deal with it, how to face it.

If a person wants to be successful, you should have a high EQ. But if you don’t want to lose quickly, you should have a high IQ. But if you want to be respected, you should have a high LQ. The Q of Love. Smart people know what he want, a wise people know what he doesn’t want. Wisdom, the person with wisdom knows, only you know I don’t want this, then you know what you want.

If you want to be successful tomorrow, it’s impossible. If you want to be successful a year later, it’s impossible. But if you want to win 10 years later, you have a chance.

This is how my message. It’s a challenge but it’s an opportunity. Let’s catch this opportunity. If you complain, the other people catch it. If you catch the opportunity and embrace it now, you will be the next Alibaba.

All credit goes to their respective owners.

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