Fixed vs Growth Mindset

Fixed vs Growth Mindset
Fixed vs Growth Mindset

In recent years, the business world has been flooded with buzzwords. “Growth mindset” is a term you have probably heard before.


This concept was established by Carol Dweck, a psychology professor at Standard University. She has spent decades researching why some individuals succeed while others who are as brilliant do not. And, over time, she has discovered that people’s perspectives are crucial in the process.

Fixed mindset

Skills are born. You can’t learn and improve.

Some people believe that their intelligence, skills, abilities, and personality traits are unchangeable. The idea that you either have them or you do not – some people are naturally good at certain things, while others are not. This is known as having a fixed mindset.

Believe that you have no control over your abilities.

Growth mindset

Skills are developed. You can learn and improve.

Individuals with a growth mindset, on the other hand, believe that these same characteristics can be changed through personal effort and a commitment to self-improvement. People who are good at something are good because they worked hard to develop that skill, whereas those who are not good are not good because they did not put in the effort.

 Believe that you have control over your abilities.


Individuals with the fixed mindset focus on the performance, outcomes and not looking bad. They are resistant to the idea of change and progress, preferring to continue with the same repetitive activity to which they have grown accustomed and to remain within the confines of well-established structures.

Individuals with the growth mindset focus on the process and getting better. They are open to new challenges with the aim to improve their skills.


It is similar to promotion vs prevention-focused, except that this time the emphasis is on mindset rather than approach.

Mindsets are genuinely dynamic; they may be influenced by both the individual and the environment. You must choose which one to use for each instance. Go for growth if you wish to learn anything new. Choose fixed when you believe it is more important to take care of certain responsibilities in your life.

We all have 24 hours in a day. Your success depends on what you do with those 24 hours. Make it count.

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